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The Story of Atlantis

The Atlantis Method™ embodies the journey of Atlantis, guiding you to dive into the depths of your being, where the most incredible discoveries await.

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once upon a time ...

... inspired by the enchanting Disney movie 'Atlantis: The Lost Empire,' a little girl dreamed of uncovering hidden worlds. She imagined the thrill of discovering a lost land and its forgotten people, marveling at the wonder of such a discovery.

Discovering atlantis

The lost city of Atlantis is a perfect metaphor for the journey of Self-Discovery. As we recall the tale from the Disney movie, imagine it as a journey within, diving deep into your psyche to uncover hidden truths and treasures of your soul. Because, in essence, Atlantis exists within you.

The Journey

The Decision

The story kicks off when Milo, the protagonist, finds a book he's convinced will lead him to Atlantis. This moment mirrors a pivotal point in our own journeys: the realization that there’s more to discover within ourselves. It's about opening up to new possibilities, daring to explore uncharted territories of our being, and choosing to believe in the potential of what lies hidden.

The Support Crew

Milo didn't embark on his quest alone. He gathered a diverse crew, each with unique skills, united by their willingness to venture into uncharted territories and explore new depths together. Armed with their unique skills and fueled by hope, they set off. Despite facing resistance and discouragement, they remained committed to their adventurous quest.

The Obstacles

Their journey was laden with challenges, from external threats like giant fish-like machines to internal conflicts within the crew. But life has shown me that such obstacles are not just barriers, but opportunities for growth, often signaling that you're on the right path and to keep going.

The Destination

Upon arrival, after drilling through the earth's layers, Milo and his crew emerge to behold the lost city of Atlantis. Despite their quest aiming for this very discovery, they are taken aback – stunned by their own success and the indescribable beauty that only firsthand experience can reveal.

Just the Beginning

Remarkably, their journey was just beginning at this point. The initial discovery opened a floodgate of questions and an insatiable curiosity to explore every detail. With each dive, the discoveries only grew more incredible.

There's really just one question left to answer:

Are you ready to explore your depths?

Hey! I'm Dakota!

My story unfolds just as you've read. I was adrift, often writing in my journal, 'It just feels like something's missing'.

In my quest to fill that void, I embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery. I delved deep into understanding my body, heart, mind, and soul, each discovery leading me closer to my truest self - closer to the conscious creator I am.

Now, I'm dedicated to guiding others on a similar path.


Together, we journey through the integration of mind, body, heart, and soul. It's a deep dive into the ocean of self, unearthing the core of who you really are.


Schedule a discovery call today!


Atlantis exists within you

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